Monday, August 30, 2010

Italy Reflection

This is a blog entry I wrote after Italy.. posting it here and will have a new entry for today hopefully later today :)

After traveling over 5,000 miles and spending hours on trains and various other forms of transportation, my perception of Italy was solidifed.

It is a country of culture, joy, sheer natural beauty, and meticulous working citizens; however, most importantly, one that leaves a lasting impression on me.

I typically spend copious amounts of time each month dreaming about where my next travels will take me to, and like no where before, I leave Italy in fascination of the functionality of society and their way of life.

It is never the perfect situation or even genius idea to visit a country during the midst of the hottest month of the year, but even with the sweltering and unbearable heat, the grandeur of it's charm and history rose above all else. From the fast paced, marvelous, and magnificent Rome to the quaint quiet towns in the Cinque Terre and in the Tuscan countryside, no matter where I stepped foot, I saw and observed manners and ways of life I have seen no where else.

There was a sense of quiet organization. Things get done - even in the remote areas where there was hardly civilization - there was a point of life and freshness.

At home, everything is perfect clockwork. The trash is picked up each week at the same time, morning rush hour never changes, people speed through life, and products and goods are available anytime you need them. We in the US have a quality of life that I am sure many envy, but I can honestly say that I left Italy appreciating the free spirit that seems to have been lost back home.

I enjoyed my morning coffee slowly while standing at the bar in deep conversation. I watched locals walk around the city with their ecletic fashion sense in the middle of the day, closing their businesses for an afternoon break. I observed wine and beer with lunch during the work day, and meals with family and friends that began at 11pm and lasted until you wanted them to. No one was expected to open shop until after 10am or stay past 7pm. While on a logistical level, this may seem to be a nightmare to an American, once a habit, people will plan accordingly. We live in a country of NOW - it is a habit for us to get what we want when we want it. I am taking away from my experiences there to try to relax and enjoy life a bit more, as there is quite a bit to absorb in terms of observation on a daily basis even in my own life.


Onto the beauty of the landscape of this finely created masterpiece by God. Only one thought comes to mind when attempting to describe the landscapes I had the priviledge of seeing - pure artwork. The detail of the architecture, with such historical significance is something only God can give someone the mind to sculpt. The countryside rolling with picturesque tree covered mountains and rock formations protuding out to remind you of their eruption from earth. The tiny multi colored farm houses with fences surrounding them and protecting their lands. And the grand sea, endless and vast. It's all a bit too much take in. The world was created by a power much more supreme than I can amount to in words. I sat in the train and took it all in. One breath at a time, I saw the artwork that had been painted for me to be in awe of. And in awe I was.

My eyes had tears as I watched all of this and realized that there is no reason to worry about things in life. It's all in the hands of someone else, not me. Why spend time fretting about life, when in every corner lies something new to experience and draw positive energy?

We tend to draw thoughts and correlations from our experiences and our daily interactions. I feel much more peaceful after leaving Italy and knowing that there is someone above looking out over all of us. What else can explain the masterpiece that is Earth?

As I strolled through the Borghese and Uffizi Galleries, and the Sistine Chapel, along with a number of other breathtaking art museums - I was again in deep admiration. God blessed the likes of Rafael, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Bernini, and so many more with talent that was far beyond their times. The lavish and ornate artwork left me with my jaw open and saying the word "wow" more times then I can count.

I sit here on the plane now venturing back to my home, a place of comfort and normalization. But I leave with peace of mind and appreciation for the smaller things in life. I understand the magnitude of creation a bit better, or maybe I just took some time to reflect on it during this experience.

I thank Italy for reminding me that there is more to life than work, habit, and mundane days. Life is full of surprises and each day should bring a new experience or at least appreciation for the lives we have been given. We are all lucky to be here and present.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Random thoughts

I have decided that I am addicted to traveling and experiencing new cultures. The smells, sights, sounds, and people watching in a new place is an extraordinary experience. I love to taste the cuisine, drink the wine, interact with the locals, but most importantly, see my reaction to that particular culture.

I hope at some point in my life I can take a trip around the world - spend a few months consecutively and stop by each continent and visit countries I would not normally visit. The world has so much offer - and I hope that God willing I can delve into this dream in the next 5 years.

So as brilliant as I am - I snapped a string on my guitar today - forget about getting it in tune correctly, I tuned it so tight I broke the dang string! I felt like a complete moron walking into Guitar Center asking them to replace my E string.. he asked me how I broke it and then smiled and chuckled for a few good seconds. It wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it would be, but I am seriously guitar illiterate. I want to play so bad that my patience is running out.. I have to figure this out though.. it would be just what I need to help ease my stresses.

I have tried to encourage my guests to bring their instruments to the hotel and spend time playing in the lobby - the other guests enjoy it and it gives people a platform to showcase their talents. Confidence is built by affirmation.. all too often we are surrounded by negative commentary or none at all from those around us - but think about how great you feel when someone gives you a sincere compliment. I know many people say that it makes them uncomfortable or that they don't like to be positively affirmed, but I find that hard to believe.

One of my strong beliefs is just telling those that inspire that they simply do that. It is one of the best gifts that God can give someone - the ability to lead and create emotion within those lives that you touch. I can only hope that at some time, I have inspired just as much as I have been inspired.


Friday, August 27, 2010


So I am super motivated to finally learn how to play the guitar. There is nothing that I want more than to be able to strum a tune and sing along. I have watched so many people play and as easy as it looks, it is SO extremely difficult. I am not going to give up - I am giving myself until the end of year to accomplish this goal..

However, I have a small teeny tiny problem. How the heck do I tune this thing? I messed it up so bad today trying to tune it, that I have absolutely no clue how to fix it :( oh guitar playing friends, please help! I can't practice with an extremely out of tune guitar.. It sounds so incredibly horrid that my ears hurt after I played a few strings. Haha, I'm silly - I know.

I am excited about college football season.. This is my favorite tine of the year. The weather improves and my most favorite sports begin. Since Texas doesn't have a defined team as in the past few years, there is an edge of excitement about the unpredictable. Love it.

Speaking of unpredictable - These past few months have been absolutely crazy. I've had the strangest interactions and converstions with multiple people Who I would qualify as "random." It all has to be part of a larger picture - a message - but I can not decipher it. At least not yet.

I strive to be a free spirit each day when I walk out the front door. It's so liberating to not care and just do what your mind wants to do in that snapshot of a moment. Is it better to be guarded, calculated, and thought out OR better to be free and liberates?

There is not a right answer to that rhetorical question - as to me it appears to be entirely situational.


Thursday, August 26, 2010


I really need to get to work, but I am spending my time journaling instead. I am sure I will pay the price for this later this afternoon, but my mind is working in a million different directions right now and so I guess it is best to continue to contemplate and document.

Do you ever sit back and really observe who you are as a person? Try to put yourself in someone else's shoes and really listen to how you talk, act, what you discuss, etc.? I have been forcing myself to do that a lot lately so I can better understand the perception that others may have of me, and this has been quite self revealing. I enjoy to be in the spotlight. I definitely like to make people around me laugh and enjoy their day.. and most importantly, I really am a caring and sincere person. That sincerely leads me to be hurt often. As I expect the world around me to be equally as sincere and genuine, but unfortunately as I had hoped, it is not.

I have also realized that I am an extremely emotional and sensitive person. While this may be my biggest strength, it quite possibly is also the worst facet of my personality. If I was able to tune things out or disregard and ignore my emotions from time to time, I would most likely not as affected as I so regularly am. While I realize all this, I wouldn't change who I am for anything - I think that this "emotional wear my heart on my sleeve trait" that I possess is my defining characteristic. It allows me to connect with people on several different levels versus the all too often seen surface level that most of our friendships consists of.

I still think I can be a better person - more apt to being in tune with myself so that I can gauge my reaction or responses prior to me ending up feeling a way I don't necessarily want to feel. I am working on it.. I mostly think I am in an about to turn 30 crises in which I am trying to figure out if I am where I want to be on my personal, emotional, and professional journey through life..

Going North

I have three blog posts that I will post on here this afternoon, but I am writing a new one at this point in time just to get some thoughts out.. I had plans of updating my blog regularly, but the last few weeks have been a crazy time, which seems to be the norm these days. I really need to get my life in control - there has to be some balance and some time to just unwind and enjoy what is going on around me. I have no time to heighten my senses and really experience all of the things that I am blessed to have.

I always wanted to own a business - be the fire on the torch and light my own path and successes. I am so competitive, that the hotel industry could not be more of a perfict fit for me in that regard. It keeps me driven and looking for ways to outperform the other hotels around me.. but on the flip side, it all gets to be a bit to much after time. I put an extensive amount of pressure on myself to be the most successful entrepreneur around Dallas, which means that I am my own worst enemy. I do not like to be number 2 in anything that I do, but I need to come to terms with the realization that not being first is okay - and that a balance in life is what you really need to be happy.

Aside from all of that, I really would like a change in my life. Something substantial enough to create a different mood on a daily basis. I miss natural scenery, beauty, sunsets, water, and all of the other elements of Earth that are not present here in Dallas. My roots are here, my family, friends, etc.. but I can not get over the peace that I can not find here. In Phoenix, no matter how my day went, as soon as I stepped outside, I was witness to beautiful surroundings. It always calmed my mind. Here I get to look at concrete, highways, buildings, strip malls, trees (if I am lucky), and man made lakes. It just does not do it for me. This conversation has taken place between and many other people, and no one seems to understand where I am coming from. It's very simple - there are two things that can put me in a different place - music and natural beauty. No matter how positive or negative my mood is that, if either of those two things are present, it is a powerful tool for me to go to a peaceful state of mind - a meditation of sorts. When you put them together, music in a place that is serene and spectacular, at that moment in time, life equals perfection.

It's my time to find that serene place again.. let me know if you have any suggestions :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Again and Again

I went back the other night and spent some time reading my blog that I kept for quite some time back in 2008 and 2009 (, and it inspired me to start one again, so here I am :) I've titled this one Journey Forth as I am in deep thoughts these days about my life in general, and most especially going forward.

2009 and 2010 are years that seem to be a blur. I can hardly remember my name on certain days and I often forget about what I did the previous day. Life gets more and more complex each day.. it's a weave of so many interactions, thoughts, tasks, people, events, etc. that sometimes I want to step back and just see clarity. I am realizing as I get get older, that life does change. Suddenly, it is not nearly as simple as it once was. There are increased responsibilities, emotions, obligations, and most importantly self awareness.

You always have a vision of who you want to become.. or at least a thought about who you should be. I am definitely different today then what I figured I would be. I have not decided yet if it is for better or for worse, but I just know that that things are much different then I would have forecasted a few years ago.


One of the plus sides of being in the hotel business is the exposure you get to guests from all over the world - different walks of life - different careers and backgrounds - and different interests. I absolutely look forward to each day wondering who I will meet and what I may learn from them that day.

Every once in a while though, you meet someone that inspires you, someone who clearly has a better understanding of life and it's intricacies. Last week, I had the pleasure of spending a good 2-3 hours talking to a guest about his experiences in life with work, relationships, religion, etc. I have not been able to get his words out of my head - as he really opened up my eyes to many topics. He was definitely smarter than me - someone who had formulated thoughts and ideas, but had done the research to actually substantiate those opinions.

I have never been quite so touched by someones words.. my weakness is that I usually think I am right in most cases, but honestly, he really made me believe what he said. I could spend hours journaling about what he said exactly, but I won't do that. Instead, I will pull out some of the key points he made.

  • Everyone has a purpose on this Earth and your purpose may never clearly be defined because who is to define what is good/bad?
  • Organized religion is a fallacy, but being spiritual is key to being happy
  •  Relationships are complex and one must work very hard to keep a relationship a happy one
  • You have to choose to love someone and when you do, that means you put 100% effort into loving them
  • Temptations are normal, but you must never act
  • Music can take you to a different place - one that is not touchable by anything else
  • What may seem bad to you may be amazing and great to someone else
I will spend some time elaborating on these thoughts in future blog entries.
