I have decided that I am addicted to traveling and experiencing new cultures. The smells, sights, sounds, and people watching in a new place is an extraordinary experience. I love to taste the cuisine, drink the wine, interact with the locals, but most importantly, see my reaction to that particular culture.
I hope at some point in my life I can take a trip around the world - spend a few months consecutively and stop by each continent and visit countries I would not normally visit. The world has so much offer - and I hope that God willing I can delve into this dream in the next 5 years.
So as brilliant as I am - I snapped a string on my guitar today - forget about getting it in tune correctly, I tuned it so tight I broke the dang string! I felt like a complete moron walking into Guitar Center asking them to replace my E string.. he asked me how I broke it and then smiled and chuckled for a few good seconds. It wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it would be, but I am seriously guitar illiterate. I want to play so bad that my patience is running out.. I have to figure this out though.. it would be just what I need to help ease my stresses.
I have tried to encourage my guests to bring their instruments to the hotel and spend time playing in the lobby - the other guests enjoy it and it gives people a platform to showcase their talents. Confidence is built by affirmation.. all too often we are surrounded by negative commentary or none at all from those around us - but think about how great you feel when someone gives you a sincere compliment. I know many people say that it makes them uncomfortable or that they don't like to be positively affirmed, but I find that hard to believe.
One of my strong beliefs is just telling those that inspire that they simply do that. It is one of the best gifts that God can give someone - the ability to lead and create emotion within those lives that you touch. I can only hope that at some time, I have inspired just as much as I have been inspired.
Jus came across ur blog link on ur FB profile....love that you blog....!!!!! btw, i've tried learning the guitar a few times in my life, quite unsuccessfully :-(...hopefully u'll have better luck once u get that string fixed :-)