Sunday, August 15, 2010

Again and Again

I went back the other night and spent some time reading my blog that I kept for quite some time back in 2008 and 2009 (, and it inspired me to start one again, so here I am :) I've titled this one Journey Forth as I am in deep thoughts these days about my life in general, and most especially going forward.

2009 and 2010 are years that seem to be a blur. I can hardly remember my name on certain days and I often forget about what I did the previous day. Life gets more and more complex each day.. it's a weave of so many interactions, thoughts, tasks, people, events, etc. that sometimes I want to step back and just see clarity. I am realizing as I get get older, that life does change. Suddenly, it is not nearly as simple as it once was. There are increased responsibilities, emotions, obligations, and most importantly self awareness.

You always have a vision of who you want to become.. or at least a thought about who you should be. I am definitely different today then what I figured I would be. I have not decided yet if it is for better or for worse, but I just know that that things are much different then I would have forecasted a few years ago.


One of the plus sides of being in the hotel business is the exposure you get to guests from all over the world - different walks of life - different careers and backgrounds - and different interests. I absolutely look forward to each day wondering who I will meet and what I may learn from them that day.

Every once in a while though, you meet someone that inspires you, someone who clearly has a better understanding of life and it's intricacies. Last week, I had the pleasure of spending a good 2-3 hours talking to a guest about his experiences in life with work, relationships, religion, etc. I have not been able to get his words out of my head - as he really opened up my eyes to many topics. He was definitely smarter than me - someone who had formulated thoughts and ideas, but had done the research to actually substantiate those opinions.

I have never been quite so touched by someones words.. my weakness is that I usually think I am right in most cases, but honestly, he really made me believe what he said. I could spend hours journaling about what he said exactly, but I won't do that. Instead, I will pull out some of the key points he made.

  • Everyone has a purpose on this Earth and your purpose may never clearly be defined because who is to define what is good/bad?
  • Organized religion is a fallacy, but being spiritual is key to being happy
  •  Relationships are complex and one must work very hard to keep a relationship a happy one
  • You have to choose to love someone and when you do, that means you put 100% effort into loving them
  • Temptations are normal, but you must never act
  • Music can take you to a different place - one that is not touchable by anything else
  • What may seem bad to you may be amazing and great to someone else
I will spend some time elaborating on these thoughts in future blog entries.



  1. i agree with all..but the following strike a cord with me:

    # Organized religion is a fallacy, but being spiritual is key to being happy

    # Music can take you to a different place - one that is not touchable by anything else

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Sonali! I'm looking forward to reading more!
